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Disapproving the action of the District of Columbia Council in approving the Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Amendment Act of 2022.

118th Congress: House Joint Resolution No. 42

Introduced on March 9, 2023

Latest action on June 13, 2023


reduces regulations on d.c. police
reduces access to police records


nullifies the comprehensive policing and justice reform amendment act of 2022 which added regulations on law enforcement within washington, d.c.

nullifies regulations preventing the use of neck restraints by washington, d.c. police

nullifies regulations regarding body camera procedures by washington, d.c. police

nullifies regulations which expanded access to police disciplinary records within washington, d.c.


Andrew S. Clyde, Georgia


This joint resolution nullifies the Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Amendment Act of 2022, enacted by the Council of the District of Columbia. The act sets forth a variety of measures that focus on policing in the District, including measures prohibiting the use of certain neck restraints by law enforcement officers, requiring additional procedures related to body-worn cameras, and expanding access to police disciplinary records.



body cameras
council of the district of columbia
law enforcement
washington, d.c.