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  • People: "joe biden"
  • Topics: "medicare"
  • States: "kansas" (coming soon)
  • Cities: "kalamazoo" (coming soon)
  • Zip Codes: "90210" (coming soon)

About Us

By The Topics is making it easier to get to know the people you're voting for. We're currently a team of two, but we're looking for help! If you're interested in helping, please contact us at

Ryan Pivovar is a data engineer at GoDaddy, a gardener, and a musician. He enjoys working with DynamoDB and ElasticSearch to get insights on data. His mission with By The Topics is to help voters better understand the political landscape. As someone who only recently started voting, he wants other non-voters to also take action.

Aileen Sideris manages communications at By The Topics. She's a writer, a lover of nature, and founded a women's clothing store that focuses on products made from natural and organic materials. Giving the power back to the people is at the forefront of all she does. Partnering with Ryan on By The Topics is just an extension of her lifelong work to spread awareness and empower communities.