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Equal Opportunity for All Investors Act of 2023

118th Congress: House Bill No. 2797

Introduced on April 24, 2023

Latest action on June 1, 2023


No goals available yet.


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Mike Flood, Nebraska


Equal Opportunity for All Investors Act of 2023

This bill expands who may be considered an accredited investor for purposes of participating in private offerings of securities. Certain unregistered securities may only be offered to accredited investors.

Specifically, the bill allows an individual to qualify through an examination established by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The examination must

  • be designed with an appropriate difficulty level such that an individual with financial sophistication or training would be unlikely to fail,
  • include methods to determine competency in certain areas, and
  • be administered by a registered national securities association and offered free of charge to the public.

Currently, accredited investors must satisfy certain requirements indicating their reduced exposure to financial risk, including those related to income, net worth, or knowledge and experience.



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