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China Financial Threat Mitigation Act of 2023

118th Congress: House Bill No. 1156

Introduced on February 24, 2023

Latest action on May 30, 2023


No goals available yet.


No synopsis available yet.


Abigail Davis Spanberger, Virginia


China Financial Threat Mitigation Act of 2023

This bill requires the Department of the Treasury, in consultation with specified federal financial agencies, to report on the exposure of the United States to the activity of China's financial sector. The report must include

  • the effects the reforms to China's financial sector have on U.S. and global financial systems,
  • a description of the policies the United States is adopting to protect U.S. interests,
  • a description and analysis of any risks presented by China to the financial stability of the United States and the global economy, and
  • recommendations for additional actions to strengthen international cooperation to mitigate risks and protect U.S. interests.



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