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Fight CRIME Act

118th Congress: House Bill No. 3152

Introduced on May 9, 2023

Latest action on September 13, 2023


No goals available yet.


No synopsis available yet.


Michael T. McCaul, Texas


Fight and Combat Rampant Iranian Missile Exports Act or the Fight CRIME Act

This bill imposes sanctions pertaining to Iran's missile program.

The President must impose visa- and property-blocking sanctions on foreign persons (i.e., foreign individuals, entities, and states) that are knowingly involved with Iran or Iran-aligned entities in certain missile-related activities, such as (1) acquiring, possessing, developing, transporting, transferring, or deploying missiles or related items and technology that are covered by the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), or (2) developing missile or drone technologies. (The MTCR is an informal political understanding among states that seek to limit missile proliferation.)

The President must also impose sanctions on (1) certain adult family members of those who are subject to the sanctions discussed above, and (2) foreign persons who knowingly provide significant support to or engage in a significant transaction with those subject to the sanctions discussed above.

The bill also requires the Department of State to report to Congress on various topics, including (1) a diplomatic strategy to renew international restrictions on certain missile-related activities set forth in Annex B of U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231, which concerns restrictions on arms transfers to and from Iran; (2) the identities of foreign persons engaging in restricted activity under Annex B; and (3) an analysis of the foreign and domestic supply chains that facilitate Iran's missile or drone programs.



department of state
missile technology control regime
supply chains
u.n. security council