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Atomic Energy Advancement Act

118th Congress: House Bill No. 6544

Introduced on July 18, 2023

Latest action on February 29, 2024


No goals available yet.


No synopsis available yet.


Jeff Duncan, South Carolina


Atomic Energy Advancement Act

This bill establishes various requirements to accelerate the deployment of nuclear energy technologies, such as advanced nuclear reactors.

Specifically, the bill sets forth requirements that direct the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to efficiently license and regulate nuclear energy activities. The bill also revises the NRC's hiring process to enable the NRC to respond to a severe shortage of candidates or a critical hiring need by using direct hiring for certain positions to carry out NRC's responsibilities and activities in a timely, efficient, and effective manner.

It also reduces certain licensing fees charged by the NRC for advanced nuclear reactors. Further, it authorizes the Department of Energy (DOE) to make awards that pay for certain licensing fees.

Additionally, the bill directs the NRC to promulgate a final rule that implements a process to facilitate efficient and timely environmental reviews of nuclear reactor applications.

The NRC must also develop and implement strategies to enable efficient and timely licensing reviews for, and to support the oversight of, nuclear facilities at brownfield sites, including sites with retired fossil fuel facilities.

Next, the bill sets forth requirements for expediting certain licensing decisions for new nuclear reactors that will use a previously licensed design and will be on or adjacent to a site on which a nuclear reactor already operates or previously operated.

It also establishes a pilot program that allows DOE to make long-term power purchase agreements for power generated by commercial nuclear reactors.

Finally, the bill establishes requirements concerning international nuclear energy cooperation and safety.



brownfield sites
department of energy
fossil fuels
nuclear energy
nuclear reactors
nuclear regulatory commission